As children become more and more confident with IT, it is important that they remain safe online and are aware of the possible dangers. All our students receive e-safety training in ICT lessons and year group assemblies at the start of the academic year. We encourage all our students to stay vigilant online and report any suspicious behaviour to their teacher. If parents or carers have any concerns regarding online activity, they should contact their child’s PPL at school.
Useful websites:
Department for Education: The DfE website contains several practical guides for parents on how to keep their child safe online, including safe use of social media. Further information can be found here.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre: CEOP helps to keep children and young people safe online. CEOP helps thousands of children and young people every year who have been in a similar situation to you. If something scary or bad has happened to you online, we will talk to you to find out what has happened and to help you keep safe. If you make a report to us, it will be read by one of our Child Protection Advisors who will make contact with you. Visit the CEOP website here