Assessments & Intervention


We use GL Assessments to assess the reading and spelling age of all our pupils. This helps us to identify areas of strengths and weakness and offer targeted support to those that need it most.

Once we have identified what the needs of individual pupils are we use a variety of intervention strategies and resources as a means of support.

To help strengthen spelling and vocabulary, we use resources from companies such as Mrs Wordsmith.

To introduce our weaker readers to the classics we read accessible, yet challenging texts from a selection by Real Reads. These are not substitutes for the unabridged texts, merely a key to help pupils to access the full texts in time.

As part of our intervention plan, we have networked with our feeder primary schools to further understand their teaching of phonics. We have discovered that many of our neighbouring primaries use the Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc Phonics package.

We seek continuity for our pupils. We want to build on what they have gained from their primary experience and so it made sense for us to invest in the follow-on package from Ruth Miskin, Read Write Inc Fresh Start.

The training and assessments provided as part of this package have enabled us to undertake phonics screening with our weakest readers. This has meant that we can then provide targeted support at the level most appropriate for each pupil. This support is given frequently during short sessions, so it is most effective and encourages rapid progress.
