Since September 2012, schools have been required to report on how their Pupil Premium Funds (PPF) have been deployed. Schools are also asked to track and report on the impact that PPF have had on student attainment. Looked-After Children, students who are eligible for Free School Meals and children of Service personnel are entitled to support from PPF. From 2012 this allocation also applies to any child who has ever had eligibility to Free School Meals benefits.
West Derby School is committed to ensuring that all of our students strive to reach their potential. We do, however, recognise that some of our students are faced with challenging personal circumstances which can unfairly restrict their ability to fulfil their potential. PPF at West Derby is used strategically and proactively to narrow any gaps in achievement that have existed or threaten to do so in the future.
We have been working actively to narrow these gaps for different vulnerable groups at West Derby School, and a number of our initiatives are now integrated into the curriculum.