
At West Derby School we believe that one of the most important things you can do to help your child achieve academic success is to ensure they attend school every day and on time. We expect all students to have a minimum of 97% attendance, this is to ensure your child has the best chance of being successful academically.

All students will have the target of 100% attendance with the expectation that they will achieve no less than 97%


There was more than double the amount of grade 9-4 achieve by students with above 97% attendance than those with attendance less than 90%. No student with attendance with less than 90% obtained a grade 9, with only 6% of grade 8’s, 2% of grade 7 and 5% of grade 6 achieved by this cohort.

Good attendance is also important in building relationships with staff and peers, to develop a range of life skills, to take advantage of the careers pathways in place and utilise the personalised support packages the school has to offer.

We understand that students do have to take time off school for illness but ask that Parents/Carers do not allow their child off with minor sickness/illnesses such as headaches, coughs, colds etc. We always require a telephone call to school or a WEDUC message on each day of absence. In cases of recurring issues that cause low attendance we will also request medical evidence.

Please refer to the Parent Guide attached below for more information.

Attendance Strategy 2023-2024

Parent Guide 2023-2024


For further information regarding attendance, see below:

School attendance, behaviour and welfare – Liverpool City Council

Working together to improve school attendance – GOV.UK (