Key Staff


Mrs S. Graham

My job is to provide your son with the best education possible. I have a dedicated team of staff who work tirelessly to support all students in our school. If you choose to join our school community, you will be joining a very special family. Our unwritten motto ‘Who Are We?’ has only one answer……. WEST DERBY!

Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr M Thomas

My role in school is to oversee the behaviour and progress of all boys Years 7-11. I work closely with the 5 PPL’s and their assistants. I am also the safeguarding lead for the school and lead a safeguarding team who safeguard all the boys within our care. I am very much looking forward to meeting all the new boys who will be attending our school in the future.

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs S Wilkinson

I lead on the design and delivery of a first-class curriculum that offers challenge and support for all students. Our aim is to ensure that students are stimulated by and enjoy their learning experience to achieve the best possible outcomes. I also support teachers in developing high quality teaching and learning strategies that encourage students to think deeply, speak confidently and demonstrate understanding with clarity and precision.

Assistant Headteacher

Ms C Jones

I am responsible for Pupil Premium, and the delivery of the PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) and Careers programmes across the school.  I ensure that our students are prepared to be active members of society, preparing our students for the world of work.

Assistant Headteacher /SENDCO

Mrs J Stephens

I am responsible for the academic and pastoral development and well-being of students with an SEN or Disability related need. I ensure adequate SEN (including Mental Health and related pastoral needs) and Disability provision is in place for EHCP pupils. I am also the Mental Health First Aider and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. In my role as Designated Teacher for Looked After Children, I promote the academic and personal achievements of care-experienced students.

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs T Swain

I am responsible for monitoring, improving and promoting pupil attendance across the school.  I work with pupils, parents and carers to reduce levels of absence in order to secure the progress and wellbeing of all pupils.

Assistant Headteacher

S Wilson

I am responsible for the delivery of staff CPD across the school, supporting staff who are committed to their own professional development.

We promote a culture where all staff are engaged in effective professional development that enhances pupil attainment and job satisfaction. Another aspect of my role is that of Cultural Capital Lead.  As such, I ensure that pupils have increased social mobility and are prepared for the world beyond the classroom.

Assistant Headteacher

L Armstrong

I am responsible for ‘The Big 4’ across the school.  This is often known as whole school Literacy.

The Big 4 encompasses reading, oracy, writing and vocabulary.  My role is to ensure these are embedded across our curriculum and that any gaps in these disciplines are addressed.  I implement interventions and offer training and support, working with external organisations and our own staff.  These are life skills and we want to ensure our pupils leave us fully equipped for the outside world.

Additionally, I am the Induction Mentor for trainee teachers and early career teachers, and I am responsible for guiding staff with regards to National Professional Qualifications (NPQs).

Assistant Headteacher

J Dunn

I am responsible for leading the English Baccalaureate and Curriculum Innovation. I work with Heads of Department across the school to lead and co-ordinate approaches to teaching, learning and assessment.

Inclusion Manager

Miss M Hughes

I am responsible for the provision of a fully inclusive learning experience and support for students across the school. I ensure the needs of all children are recognised and catered for regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, attainment, additional needs or disability and religion or belief.

Deputy Inclusion Manager

Mrs S Rosenthal

I work closely with the Inclusion Manager and Inclusion Team to secure the provision of a fully inclusive learning experience and support for all pupils. 

Click HERE to view our full staff list