The school timetable runs from 8:45am to 3:15pm. You must attend registration every day at 8:45am. You will have one assembly each week, Enrichment lessons (year 12 & 13 ) and CIAG (Careers Information, Advice and Guidance) lesson (year 13). You will also be timetabled with several supervised study lessons, depending on the number of enrichment lessons. These sessions will take place in W9. Attendance will be monitored at these sessions and failure to attend may result in loss of your place in Sixth Form.
You should be completing one hour study for every hour spent in the classroom. This may be homework, coursework or may be independent study such as extra research or revision. You will need to do more than attend lessons to succeed in your studies so start as you mean to go on!
Form Time
Assemblies will be held throughout the year (in W9 or the theatre) on a range of topics and will sometimes involve guest speakers. You will have a form period each morning, which is an important part of the day, with each day following a different theme.